Could you please let me know when will you arrange the payment? Our finance department is asking for update from you.
Hi my finance told me there is payment that already due please check and advise when you will be able to pay thanks for your help.
Sir, now that our goods has been ready,in order to aviod the inconvience of your schedule,please LED us know when you will be able to pay so that we can diliver the goods in no time.
Send us the bank slip after you effect the payment asap.
When can you pay back the money.
I have what I need to do recently, trouble you to pay back the money.
1. We are pleased to invite you to attend…. 很高兴邀请您参加……
2. It is our pleasure to invite you to attend….很荣幸邀请您……
3. We are longing to see you soon.期待尽快见到您。
4. We sincerely hope you can attend.我们期待您的光临。
5. We do hope that you will be able to join us on this occasion.
相关标签: # 如何成功邀约客户的话术技巧和方法呢英文